
Day 7 Fredericksburg to Williamsburg (not Brooklyn, yet) 94.3 miles

After leaving the comforts of KOA I Headed south towards Richmond. Again I ended up on a bike route. The VA 1. It was a quite ride for the most part. From about 10:00 on its was sunny and beautiful. I ate Chick-Fil-A for lunch and I was off again. The plan was to ride to Newport News and meet up with Jed. Well I ended up in Williamsburg where Jed's friend Betty was nice enough to pick me up. It was a 15 car ride on the freeway and we were there. After unloading Jed and I went for some food and to check out his skate park. I don't think skateboarding was the best idea but it's in my blood. I can't go to a skate parks and not at least roll around. Off to bed.

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